Steel Mace Vinyasa & Flow Certification Workshop Calendar
LiVE CErtification & Retreat Dates
MARCH 50 Hour Steel Mace Vinyasa Cert Online: 3 options for start dates: March 17, 24, 31
April 19, 20 2025 - Steel Mace Vinyasa Lv1 Certification // Seattle, WA
April 25-27, 2025 - Steel Mace Vinyasa Lvl 2 Certification, Bellingham, WA (must have 200 Hour or Trainer Cert)
June 4-9th, 2025 - 6 Day Training Retreat at Richland WA
September 20-21, 2025 - Steel Mace Vinyasa Level 1 Certification // Oklahoma
October 4-5, 2025 - Steel Mace Vinyasa Lvl 1 // London, UK
December 29th- Jan 4th, 2026 - 7 Day Training Retreat in Costa Rica (12 spots left)
April 15-20, 2026 - 5 Day Training Retreat in Bali, Get on Waitlist
Our Certifications -
Summer has taught certifications globally since 2011, and has been leading the movement in Steel Mace Vinyasa & loaded asana conditioning. We aim to bridge the gap in strength & yoga, and give you a strong foundation for mobility & Steel Mace/Club conditioning, HIIT & Flow State Coaching Methods.
The Flow Shala Community -
We are a global community of yoga teachers, trainers, movement nerds, flow coaches & bodyworkers who specialize in training with unconventional tools like Steel Mace, Clubs and Self Myofascial Release tools.
Aspiring Trainers, Coaches & Teachers - YES You can apply for our 100 Hour Steel Mace Vinyasa Virtual Teacher Training!
2025 Certification & CEC Workshops (All Levels - no experience needed*)
*Except the Bellingham Steel Mace Vinyasa Lvl 2 Certification
Online 50 Hour - Steel Mace Vinyasa Certification
Are you ready to level up your knowledge in training loaded asana?
Do you want to learn & master program design, so you can deliver a higher level service in your coaching business?
Have you been exploring Steel Mace online certifications, and are ready to commit get certified so you can teach functional movement?
3 Different Start Date Options:
March 17th
March 24th
March 31st
Note: You get instant access when you enroll- so you can get up to 4 weeks of early access before your start date.
The LIVE Portion:
Onboarding Orientation Kickoff Call with Summer (or recording)
2 Private 1:1 Business Development Calls with Summer
3 90 Min - Monthly Social Media Audits with Summer & Flow Coach Accelerator Cohort
12 Weekly Program Design Calls with Flow Shala Coaches (must come to 6 to earn cert or watch recordings)
3 Saturday Movement Labs (2.5 Hours each)
2 - 60 Minute Semi-Private Movement Labs with a coach (must be used in 12 weeks and you are responsible for scheduling with your coach)
2 Live Class Audits by Flow Shala Coaches
Online Portion:
Lifetime Access to Pre-requisite Online Courses: Movement Coaching 101, Steel Mace Vinyasa Prime, Steel Mace Vinyasa 101, Kinesiologyoga 101 ($499/course = $2000+)
12 Weeks Access to our Digital Nomad recorded class library (300+ classes) ($600)
Flow CEO Course ($1111)
Embodying Flow Course + Live coaching calls March & April
50 Hour SMV - Coaching Call Recording Library ($2k)
Welcome Package sent via mail with printed manual and Flow Shala gear
Credentials received upon completion & Resources:
50 Hour Steel Mace Vinyasa Certification
Flow Shala Movement Coaching Manual ($50)
Steel Mace Vinyasa Level 1 Manual ($100)
Are you ready to start teaching more than just yoga? Or more than just strength?
Do you want to learn to program both mobility & strength into an effective format for your 1:1 clients or classes?
Steel Mace Vinyasa is a fusion of Yoga, HIIT, & Functional Fitness that will help you take your classes & private sessions to the next level. This course is open to the public, and will be in person with live streaming options available in our signature “Hybrid” format. Registration comes with all the prep materials to study the Steel Mace Vinyasa practice at home, before & after the seminar. (No experience with mace or yoga needed!)
Learn the foundational loaded exercises, loaded poses, flows & modifications to teach Steel Mace Vinyasa with Founder Summer Huntington. We will cover all of the beginner SMV Conditioning exercises and how to sequence loaded asana flows. No yoga experience needed, learn the biomechanics of loaded asana and the “Why” behind the movement.
Registration Includes:
16 Hours of Facilitated Learning
16 CEC Certificate of Completion
190 Page Teacher Training Manual with all mobility drills, exercises, flows & class templates
Lifetime Access to Kinesiologyoga 101 ($499 value)
Lifetime Access to Steel Mace Viinyasa 101 ($399 Value)
2 Months - Access to Steel Mace Vinyasa Lvl 1 ($499 Value)
3 Months On Demand Class Library
Virtual Attendees will be streaming live & get recording
In Person Attendees will get Live Coaching & recording
Who can join: Open to All levels, no coaching experience required. We invite Personal Trainers, Yoga Instructors, SMV Graduates, Massage Therapists, Physical Therapists, embodiment coaches, athletes and anyone wanting to deepen their practice.
Travel & Lodging Details for Seattle, WA
April 19/20th - Seattle WA (hybrid Virtual & in person)
Flying to Seattle (For Seminars in ApRil):
Fly into SeaTac, WA airport. (PSC)
Seminar Location Address -
6520 5th Ave S Seattle, WA 98108
Traveling west on South Michigan Street, turn left on 5th Avenue South. The second building on the left houses Yaw. Enter into the orange door. Take the first left and through the hallway and at a gentle right will be Yaw.
Traveling east on South Michigan Street, turn right on 5th Avenue South. Proceed as described above.
The Seattle Light Rail - goes from SEATAC to downtown
Advanced Level 2 Steel Mace Vinyasa Certification Workshop // Bellingham, WA or Virtual
This certification covers our signature exercises in the more Advanced Steel Mace Level 1 & 2 programs, with over 60+ new exercises that you won’t find anywhere else. Expect to learn compound and complex conditioning progressions with Steel Mace that will enhance your clients performance. We will cover moving through multiple planes with the mace, advanced loaded flows and all exercises in full detail.
Assisted by Alicia Wang, MS. who is part of our 100 Hour Steel Mace Vinyasa Teacher Training team and holds over 20 years experience teaching Flow, Kettlebells, Clubs, Steel Mace Vinyasa and movement coaching.
Registration Includes:
16 Hours of Facilitated Learning
16 CEC Certificate of Completion for Level 2 Steel Mace Vinyasa
190 Page Teacher Training Manual with all mobility drills, exercises, flows & class templates
Lifetime Access to Kinesiologyoga 101 ($499 value)
Lifetime Access to Steel Mace Viinyasa Level 1 ($399 Value)
Lifetime Access to Steel Mace Vinyasa Level 2 ($499 Value)
3 Months On Demand Class Library
Virtual Attendees will be streaming live & get recording
In Person Attendees will get Live Coaching & recording
Who Can Join: This is a more advanced seminar for Personal Trainers, 200 Hour RYT Yoga Instructors, SMV Grad.
*Virtual or In Person Options (we recommend in person if you can!)
Travel & Lodging Details for Bellingham, WA
Where: Bellingham,Washington (fly into SEATAC airport + Bellingham Airporter shuttle drops off at 4 Points Sheridan)
Friday 12pm Start time at The Annex - Bellingham Yoga Collective (door code required)
215 W Holly Street - Suite H24
When: Friday 12pm-5:30pm / Sat 10:30am - 5:30pm / Sun 12:30-4pm
Lodging Options: Within 1/2 mile walking distance - 4 Point Sheraton // Hotel Leo // (more budget friendly) Coachman Inn Motel
Or search Air B & B close to Downtown
Video Breakdowns of Steel Mace Vinyasa & Movement Coaching // Why we train with these Tools
Testimonials from 100 Hour Steel Mace Vinyasa Graduates:
“The 100 Hour Steel Mace Vinyasa teacher training was an absolute game changer! I hadn't considered myself to be a movement coach. I was always in this lane of being a yoga teacher. The fundamentals of prime, condition, and flow to prepare the body and mind for the work ahead has been a monumental shift in the way I teach, whether it's yoga or Steel Mace, or Kettlebells. The 4 Day Wave has completely changed the way I train which supports my own movement practice in such a deep way.
I had no idea that such a training methodology even existed. I learned so much. Summer brought things to my attention that I would have never even considered in regard to coaching. Working through different patterns that I've held for most of my life. Even just bringing awareness to those areas have created a big change in the way I'm running my business.”
Amanda Rico, Toronto, CA
“Summer and the 100 Hour Steel Mace Vinyasa Teacher training is incredible! From my first coaching session with her I knewI would learn a lot with her. The questions she asked me took me out of the comfort zone and inspired me to keep studying more and more. I loved to learn from the virtual classes and online courses!
I'm already applying many concepts that I learned from the Steel Mace Vinyasa Certification with my students and it's working. I'm definitely more organized and more sensitive to understand my students, their strengths and their struggles. I want to thank you all at Flow Shala for everything you did for my career. Summer for her inspiring knowledge and her resourcefulness.”
Vini, Brazil @movewithvini
Owner at @flowyogaba
"The Steel Mace Vinyasa 100 Hour curriculum challenged me to deeply understand how to get to the very root of why people walk in the door for training, how I can support transformation in a realistic way.
Summer is remarkable. She has created a container both virtually and in-person that is next-level! There is such depth to the Steel Mace Vinyasa curriculum, and a fundamental system of support for taking in the material.
I not only immersed myself in Steel Mace Vinyasa and Flow State, but learned the fundamentals of yoga, breath work, somatics, neural load training, Patterns, Posture and Power Leakages, HIIT protocols, I could go on.
I learned what it takes to develop and deliver a cohesive body of work with passion and joy! "
- Jolie (California) @elektrenstudio
Testimonials from 2.5 Day Steel Mace, Clubs Seminars
“The Event was well organized, professional, and best of all - fun! It is the first time I have attended a training seminar and it was well worth it and I had a blast. Besides the professionalism and enjoyment, it was also extremely informative and educational. The steel mace vinyasa segments were really helping my shoulders and hips and I could feel myself moving better as I was getting into flow.
The club segments were extremely helpful as I currently run the 2H club program. The in-person cues were invaluable, they really helped me hone in my technique and fix errors I was making training alone at home.
And lastly the staff segments were awesome. It was fun seeing myself and others go from noob to somewhat competent with the staff blocks, attacks, walking and movements in a matter of days.”
- Karan from NYC
"The more I process the experience, the more I appreciate the gift that you and Mark gave our group. You both exceeded my expectations on every level!
I am amazed at how much you were able to pack into the weekend! I have been very active my entire life, but I haven’t worked that hard for years! It was awesome! The content was as solid as the pedagogy, it was an accelerant but it also equipped me to continue growing into the future on my own! I was able to refine skills I’ve been working on in isolation for awhile now (clubs and mobility) and I learned new techniques that I will continue to build upon (staff, mace vinyasa flow and RAD Rollers)."
- Bryan
More Footage on Unconventional Training Methods
Got Questions? We’ve got answers
FAQ Section:
Q: Do you need to have experience in Steel Mace, Clubs or Staff to attend?
All levels welcome, this is for general public (not only coaches!). We can’t wait to meet you.
A: We recommend that you start training with either Steel Mace or Clubs as soon as you register for this workshop! No experience in staff is needed, and most people have zero experience with staff. It is designed for all levels, but you’ll get the most out of it if you do some form of prep work.
Q: What kinds of athletes or humans come to these workshops?
A: These are an all levels workshops for everyday people, recreational weekend warriors, coaches and everyone in between. It is also great for all ages of adults, including aging adults. In fact, the train neural load aspect of this workshop is highly effective for neuroplasticity, and coordination + reaction time.
Q: Would this be a good workshop to attend if I plan to join the 100 Hour Steel Mace Vinyasa Teacher training?
A: Yes, we absolutely recommend to come to a workshop at any point in your studies in Steel Mace Vinyasa. Some people come at the beginning, during or after graduating from our 100 Hour SMV TT program.
More questions? Check out our Contact Form below - and send us a question
Got a Question? We can help!
Our team responds within 24-48 Hours.