Steel Mace Vinyasa Teacher Training Tracts


Led by Summer Huntington SMV Facilitator Team

This is a 100% Virtual Teacher TraininG

Get Certified & specialize in program design & Steel Mace Vinyasa.



Special Open Enrollment for 50 Hour SMV Certification ONLINE:

Pick from 3 Start Dates:

March 17th

March 21st

March 31st


The LIVE Portion:

  • Onboarding Orientation Kickoff Call with Summer (or recording) 

  • 2 Private 1:1 Business Development Calls with Summer 

  • 3 90 Min - Monthly Social Media Audits with Summer & Flow Coach Accelerator Cohort 

  • 12 Weekly Program Design Calls with Flow Shala Coaches (must come to 6 to earn cert or watch recordings) 

  • 3 Saturday Movement Labs (2.5 Hours each)

  • 2 - 60 Minute Semi-Private Movement Labs with a coach (must be used in 12 weeks and you are responsible for scheduling with your coach) 

  • 2 Live Class Audits by Flow Shala Coaches

Online Portion: 

  • Lifetime Access to Pre-requisite Online Courses: Movement Coaching 101, Steel Mace Vinyasa Prime, Steel Mace Vinyasa 101, Kinesiologyoga 101 ($499/course = $2000+)

  • 12 Weeks Access to our Digital Nomad recorded class library (300+ classes) ($600)

  • Flow CEO Course ($1111) 

  • Embodying Flow Course + Live coaching calls March & April 

  • 50 Hour SMV - Coaching Call Recording Library ($2k)

  • Welcome Package sent via mail with printed manual and Flow Shala gear

Credentials received upon completion & Resources: 

  • 50 Hour Steel Mace Vinyasa Certification

  • Flow Shala Movement Coaching Manual ($50)

  • Steel Mace Vinyasa Level 1 Manual ($100) 


Optimize Your Training & Learn Steel Mace Vinyasa

  • Master the fundamentals of Flow Coaching with online classes & your pre-requisite courses.

  • Learn exactly how to Coach Steel Mace to all people of all fitness levels

  • How to Create a no brainer method to onboarding New Clients

  • How to add more value to your training services so you can increase your pricing right away!


Start to Draft Your Custom Program

  • Learn to research your niche client’s needs (autoimmune, stress & anxiety, depression, adrenal fatigue) so you can deliver a comprehensive wellness program

  • Narrow down who your serve, so you can make your coaching business more focused and sustainable

  • Craft your custom Steel Mace workouts with modifications

  • Learn progressive program design skills that you can apply right away, and improve client retention & satisfaction


Build Your Online Class Library So You Can Work Smarter

  • Film and house your online workouts in a library for clients to have access 7 days a week, without you having to be there counting reps

  • Design quality mobility classes for clients with shoulder injuries, tight hips and back pain.

  • Learn to film high quality movement education videos so you can set yourself apart as an expert


Present your Program & Get Your Certificate

  • Learn to create a high level manual for your clients that targets their specific needs

  • Create content that magnetizes your ideal clients

  • Feel energized by becoming a leader in Steel Mace Vinyasa in your region

  • Set Yourself apart with the worlds only 100 Hour SMV Certification

Application for Steel Mace Vinyasa Teacher Training.

Please fill out the form below and our team will get back to you in 48 hours or less!


“I had a wonderful experience. In just that short period of time I have already noticed a massive change in my personal practice as well as a more precise coaching technique.”

Assess Mobility.

Coach Movement.

Train Flow.

“The 100 Hour Teacher Training exceeded my expectations. Your team is wonderful. I thoroughly enjoyed learning from all of them and look forward to learning much more in future training.”

 Hey I’m Summer, the founder of Steel Mace Vinyasa & Flow Shala 

I coach high level coaches to master Steel Mace Vinyasa & Kinesiology and build a sustainable business model that allows YOU to work smarter, not harder. 

You will learn how to master Steel Mace Vinyasa, so you can carve a niche market in your region with the highest level coaching strategies. 

I have been a coach of coaches for 10+ years, and have streamlined my certification materials into a hybrid online format. 

What you may not know is that I created a system for high level trainers, coaches and wellness professionals to advance their careers, and transition into Movement Educators, without needing another Masters Degree. 

I created a system for teaching the principles of Flow, that your clients will love. 

I founded the flagship studio for Steel Mace Vinyasa in Washington state, and have ran my certifications online to students all around the world. 

I’ll warn you: I am not your typical yoga teacher or trainer and what you will learn from me will completely shift your view on training, teaching yoga and movement! Buckle up.

image of Summer Huntington providing hands-on assist to Steel Mace Vinyasa student
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Student Testimonials

My biggest takeaways was how important it is to understand how power leakages connect to form and how imperative it is to do daily release work on our bodies.

“Working with Summer and her elite team of coaches not only helped me understand how to effectively move with a mace, but also how to tune into deeper somatic experiences in my body. This training goes beyond teaching the physical knowledge of mace mechanics. It’s an in depth dive into how to steep oneself into flow state and uncover layers of creativity and connection with movement and breath. 

The four day wave training method allows for movement based recovery days which improves performance on peak training days and allows for less adrenal fatigue. I wasn’t training this way before working with Summer. It has been a game changer for my clients and myself.”

Andrea - Florida 

Absolute game changer!
I hadn't considered myself to be a movement coach. I was always in this lane of being a yoga teacher.

“The fundamentals of prime, condition, and flow to prepare the body and mind for the work ahead has been a monumental shift in the way I teach, whether it's yoga or Steel Mace, or Kettlebells. The 4 Day Wave has completely changed the way I train which supports my own movement practice in such a deep way.

I had no idea that such a training methodology even existed. I learned so much. Summer brought things to my attention that I would have never even considered in regard to coaching. Working through different patterns that I've held for most of my life. Even just bringing awareness to those areas have created a big change in the way I'm running my business.”

Amanda Rico - Canada 


We want this training to be accessible for everyone, so we’ve made a 3 Payment Plan option.

Our goal is that you start to implement your teaching right away with clients, and earn your investment back!


100 Hour Steel Mace Vinyasa Cert + Business Mentorship

Ready to learn exactly how to build your Private 1:1 Coaching business with Steel Mace Vinyasa?

What: Get expert level mentorship with designing a program to bring to market.

Who it is for:

High performers & high achievers

Advanced Practitioners

Experienced Yoga Instructors (5+ years)

Studio Owners

Fitness Professionals

This Training is 100% Virtual.

Learn hands on assists, from home.

Mark & Summer have over 30+ years experience in Flow state training, combined.

Learn regressions for bodyweight drills.

Class and Program design highly emphasized.

Learn to curate an 8 Week Class series.

Our Virtual Teacher Training is focused on Mastery


Is this a Certification Seminar or can I just do it to deepen my practice? 

Answer: We offer 100 Hour Certification recognized by Yoga Alliance, for Continued Education credit. Many students are here also for deepening their own practice, however our curriculum is geared toward mastery, coaching and program design for movement professionals. We require 50+ of in person training, supplemented with online materials. We have seen great success with our student who train with us live weekly at home, and never step foot in the studio.

Why can’t I just come to a weekend seminar and get a certificate?

Answer: We believe in embodying the practice and reaching for mastery before teaching it to others. This accelerated program is designed for trainers, yoga teachers, physical therapists and athletes who want to develop mastery. Our 100 Hour Teacher Training curriculum is the most efficient way to master this content, and leave with a deep understanding of how to teach & program for all levels. We require you to commit to training regularly at home for 16 weeks.

What is covered in the Teacher Training? 

Answer: We expect that you are prepared and know all twelve Workouts & Flows from Steel Mace Vinyasa lvl 1 and level 2 by the time you finish this program. In the recorded office hours and recorded seminars, you will go deeper into coaching tactics, theory, steel mace mysticism, Flow State, mobility impairments and modifications for special populations. We have a big emphasis on program design, and want you to leave with the skills to understand how to build effective training programs that keep your clients safe and injury free.

What will I be able to do after I take this Teacher Training? 

Answer: You can earn a Certificate of Completion upon graduation of the Curriculum, with the option for Certification after 8 hours of Practice Teaching. Most gyms and yoga studios require you to have a Nationally recognized Certification, for example ACE Group Fitness, ACSM, CSCS, NASM are all examples. Most yoga studios require a 200 Hour Teacher Training Certification. If you have either certification (Yoga or group fitness), then you are qualified to do movement coaching. If you are starting with this Flow Shala Teacher Training, you will need to eventually need to get a nationally recognized certification as well in order to teach at most gyms or yoga studios. If you earn your Certification, then you can use the Steel Mace Vinyasa name on your website, and marketing.

Is there a mentorship process with other Flow Shala Coaches? 

Answer: Yes, we have a team of Coaches who are ready to work with you to help you develop your skill set as a Movement Coach. Our Flow Shala Coaches have 4 private one on one coaching sessions with you to help you successfully complete this teacher training, I highly recommend doing so! Our coaches teach this content to clients in private and group settings, and will help you fast track to success in your movement coaching career.