Top 3 Stress Reduction Tips w/ Alicia

Stress Overload?

Yeah a lot of us are dealing with that in our modern world. Busy lives, big changes (talking about you pandemic), and just the constant overwhelm of our electronic connections.

After the pandemic, the return to somewhat normal life, political polarization, climate change, world wide violence, and all that is unprocessed from those years, we all have a bit or more of stress to metabolize. When we don’t do this processing, stress builds up and starts to accumulate and manifest in ways that might not be most advantageous for our well being.

So how do we move past stress? What lies on the other side?

Resident Coach Alicia Wang has been practicing stress healing methods for the last 2 years, with consistent meditation, movement and breath practices along with time spent in nature daily.

“We are nature. Your body is there to heal, help and hold you. All the answers any of us need are right there inside our beautifully intelligent bodies. When you have the tools to tune into that inner intelligence, you become unstoppable at elevating yourself to your highest version yet!” -Alicia Wang

Alicia knows what stress and overload feel like. She lived in Silicon Valley for 15 years and the rat race took a huge toll on her mental and physical well being.

She tried so many methods to reduce her stress. Some things worked really well and others not so much. The process of weeding through what worked really well and what didn't took her many years.

Thankfully, she can now pass this wisdom to her clients so that they can utilize these effective tools without the process of trial and error. The nature connection tools, movement practice, meditation practices and intentional living has transformed her life.

Alicia is no longer overwhelmed or in stress overload. She has the tools to process and metabolize that stress that comes with life and is so excited to share these tools with you and give you the autonomy to thrive in your life and handle your stress like the warrior goddess you are!

Alicia’s top 3 stress reduction tips that everyone should know:

1. Get out in nature daily!

2. Align your life with the cycles of nature. What this means is tapping into the energy of each season. Spring's new beginnings, summer's high energy, fall's ability release, and winter's need to rest. When we sit with nature these patterns are evident in the season itself but also there is a daily imprint of these energies on each day. We need all of these energies daily to thrive.

3. Movement, breath, and training the nervous system are keys to unlock stored stress; as well as simple tools for autonomy so that well-being and vitality can be invited in in at any time needed.

Alicia will be teaching a free virtual workshop December 14th, focused on dissolving stress and doing it in a way that gives you autonomy. The things she teaches are easily implementable practices and are highly effective. Alicia’s interest in this topic began when her own lifestyle choices were creating overwhelm in her life.

About Alicia:

I began my undergraduate career as a psychology major and quickly changed to a human performance major upon taking my first anatomy and physiology class. The human body blew my mind with its complexity and how well everything works together when taken care of. I began personal training in 2001 and teaching yoga in 2004.

I have always been hungry to learn about human body. It's magical ability to change and grow induces a passion in me that can not be dimmed. The more I coached my clients and witnessed them change the more I wanted to expose myself to as many modalities as possible so that each client could be met with the most aligned movement practice for their body and preferences.

Beyond the physical aspect of coaching it has been evident from the start of my career that the mind and body can not be separated. It is this connection that has required that my coaching practice include breathwork, impeccable cueing, embodiment practice, somatic inquiry, and mindset development.

Alicia created an 6-week stress-reduction immersion program called “Nature Reconnect” . If you want to experience these simple, yet effective practices and dive deep, schedule a call with coach Alicia.

Alise Skiba