Finding Time to Play on Long Days
Hello! My name is Nicole and I was introduced to Summer and her work many years ago. I had a few classes with her and I knew she had something powerful to offer. When she launched her Primal 12 Program, I jumped at the opportunity and began to weave it into a home practice along with foundational functional movements I learned from Alaina Sawaya. The information gleaned from these two powerhouses got me through the throes of nursing school and helped me tap into a movement pattern that always feels like returning home.
I feel so lucky to take part in the 6-week Summer FlowFit Challenge. To me, FlowFit itself is a very individual experience that sends you into a state of Flow very quickly because of its intense and rhythmic nature. The movements feel old, like something that you’ve known before.
I am curious about being able to incorporate that element into a 4-day wave with intention, mindfulness, and reflection during the FlowFit Challenge and I look forward to experiencing it and share it alongside others. This serendipitous opportunity will inform my next steps; my world is shifting under my feet right now with big life transitions. For me, the physical realm into Flow is the door I must walk through in order to find it again in other areas of my life throughout the day. It feels like it occurs only outside of time, in spite of and in the absence of stress.
Intentionally tapping into Flow through a movement pattern is an amazing gift that exists just on the flip side of inertia. I try as best I can to follow a 4-day wave. I wholeheartedly believe that the 4-day wave is extremely intelligent for recovery and mobility, which is a must if you want to develop functional strength. For me, however, this protocol is hard to implement on days when I work 10 or 11-hour shifts. I then try to prioritize sleep, which is something I feel needs my most attention. I realize adequate sleep is the missing link in my overall goals for health and quality of life, as it seems to dictate every aspect of my day if I am in a deficit.
There’s a sense of returning to something familiar in Flow, probably because I am able to momentarily forget myself and just be. I feel like the state of Flow is always there, ready to be tapped into and available to all of us.
My favorite classes at Flow Shala are all of them, but I am especially intrigued by the Steel Mace (and forever intrigued by Clubbells). I’m inspired to move at Flow Shala because Summer has brought together a gifted team who incorporate tools and techniques that are accessible to all levels, with built-in progression. I have no doubt that I will glean a wealth of knowledge from this team and their instruction that I could not have accomplished on my own at home. I would absolutely love to bring my training outside. As far as spots in Bellingham to Flow? Not sure, but I am completely open!
I am stoked to do this with my community because, after years of isolated training due to time and resource constrictions, something I deeply yearned for has finally come to fruition. I am ever grateful to all the amazing teachers at the Shala, and I look forward to getting to know the souls who are willing to step into this journey.