In a Training Slump? 5 tips to Get back on Track!

We all go through it, times when our exercise routines just fall away… When we go through big changes, or even just extra stress in our lives, it’s easy to let our training to fall to the wayside. Maybe you are recovering from an injury, or got burnt out from training.. whatever your reason, it happens to everyone.

If you’ve fallen out of exercise routine (or want to start one) but don’t want those weeks without exercise to become months... years… Then take a look a my tips to get back on track without burning yourself out!


1. Start Small

Changing your routine or habits can be difficult. For many starting a workout routine is daunting.

That’s why, when I am trying to amp up my training routine I don’t just jump back in. I start with any amount of a workout just to start being consistent with training. 30 minutes of yoga at home, a 10 minute core workout.

The key is to do a little something every day and work up to more time and more intensity.

Another good option to start small is take a lower intensity class and build up to higher intensity. Just try to build movement into your routine to make it a habit!


2. Create a plan

—> Choose when you will train

And stick to it! Look at your calendar and plan ahead.

Decide what time(s) you will be able to make time most consistently to train. This is important because you want this to be something you stick with, so if you can’t realistically hold a scheduled time, then training will never become a habit but instead a struggle with willpower.

—> Choose where you will train

Choosing where you will train is equally important as when, because you have a full plan in action and no guesswork involved. You make this as simple for future you as possible. Make sure this is a place that is once again going to be attainable for you to go to X # of days a week. You can always split where you train on what days!

—> Figure out What you will be doing

Write down WHAT you will be doing. You are more likely to get a full workout in if you know exactly what your action plan is! I often plan exactly which On Demand workout I will do for which day. Or write up my workout the day before

—> Put it in your schedule!!!

When I’m most consistent with my training is when I am adding what I will be doing to my schedule. Either write it in each week, typically I like to look a week in advance and scheduling things in, or the day before.

You hold yourself more accountable when it’s in writing. Like an agreement with yourself!

Try it out, this small step can make the world of difference


3. Set SMART goals

Yes, we’ve all heard a lot about goal setting in our lives, but goals can feel good to set yet get no attention.

That’s why it’s important to set SMART goals.

What’s a SMART goal?






—>My goal setting technique for exercise is to set a monthly goal in my written planner.

It may look something like this: Train On Demand classes 2x a week, do 1 Foundation training class a week and 4 total workouts a week.

Then each week I will revisit my goals and set relevant goals to that specific week, and then write in my planner what each day my plan is. It takes maybe 10 minutes, and helps me visualize my week. It’s also important to meet yourself where you are at with goals. Haven’t trained in a while? Probably best not to stack 3 HIIT classes in a row. Low energy? Spend more time taking long walks, or do lower intensity training. If you train at the Flow Shala you can talk to your coaches after class to get a better idea of what classes may be a good fit for you!


4. Make it FUN

You are so much more likely to WANT to exercise if you ENJOY what you are doing!

Love walking? Put it in your schedule.

Want a fun HIIT workout? You know we love HIIT for cardio & heart health.

Like training with heavy things? Do this often! It’s good for your bones & aging!

Try new things, maybe you’ve always wanted to learn how to dance or weight train. This is your callto action. Find something new to try and book it in your schedule. Or good old YouTube is a wealth of fun things to learn!

Check out Summer’s Youtube for tutorials on Mace, Clubs, and other modalities if you feel lost on where to start!


5. Build up the Habit

The goal of all this is to in the end have your exercise habit be automatic. To get to the point that at X time every day you CRAVE exercise or movement of some kind. You want to get excited to workout at the gym, at home, outside, or in class.

My favorite book on Habits, “Atomic Habits” by James Clear sets out the guidelines for creating a good habit:

  1. Make it Obvious

  2. Make it Attractive

  3. Make it Easy

  4. Make it Satisfying

Since I train at home, one thing I do every night is set up my yoga mat before I go to bed. This is my “trigger” that I will be working out or doing yoga in the morning.

What will be your triggers to making your routine obvious, attractive and easy?

If you want to learn more about building habits pick up a copy of Atomic Habits or get it on Audible!


About the writer:

Hi I’m Alise, former Steel Mace coach and Accountability mentor at the Flow Shala. Since I’ve moved to Seattle I help with blogs and website design! My main focus was on helping people find balance, both in their bodies and in their lives.

I train at least 4x a week, following the 4-day wave (training from low intensity to high intensity) and also practice sports like aerial and play snowboards. I also love nature, walking, biking, swimming. Being strong for an active lifestyle is important to me, but I am also into taking rest when the body needs rest, and working hard when I can.

Listening to your body’s needs takes time, and sometimes outside help.

If you want extra support in your mindset, movement or lifestyle get in touch with our expert coaches to get one-on-one training and accountability!